NMH Summer - Faculty/Staff Application

NMH Summer is a vibrant, engaging living and learning program for students in grades 7 to 12, in beautiful western Massachusetts. 

Over 120 years, we have welcomed students from more than 129 countries and all 50 states to our summer program, to learn and to shape the future. We bring together capable, motivated students with experienced, dedicated teachers and teaching fellows to enrich the educational and personal development of all. Through academic and enrichment work, athletics and arts experiences, and social and cultural activities, the summer campus community discovers together the excitement and joy of learning, growing, and belonging. NMH Summer adults strive to make a difference, enjoy challenges, appreciate young people, and are committed to the principles of inclusivity and community.

Job offers are made on a rolling basis beginning in late December, as applications are received. Because there are a limited number of courses in each subject area, candidates should submit all materials as soon as possible in order to improve chances of a position being available in their areas of interest.

Northfield Mount Hermon is an equal-opportunity employer.

Please note that all on-campus employees are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Additional Requirements

Email your cover letter, resume, and two recommendation letters to summer.hr@nmhschool.org. In the subject line please enter “Your Full Name - Faculty/Staff Supporting Documents.”

Applications will not be considered without your resume and two recommendation letters.